Child Protection and Safe Environment Policy

Dancetime School of Dance invites students, parents and staff to view a summary of our Child Protection Policy below.  This policy outlines the ways in which Dancetime will provide a safe environment for children to learn and perform at our school. This policy, in conjunction with the Bankstown City YMCA policies: (Standards of Conduct, Safeguarding Young Children and Vulnerable Adults and WHS policy), ensures that children and young people have access to a safe dance environment.  

1. Recruitment Security
All staff with face-to-face contact with children has a valid Working With Children Number (WWCC), which is verified, via the Office of the Children’s Guardian.  As a parent, you have the right to request your child’s WWCC to “check the check” yourself via the Office of the Children’s Guardian website.  All our teachers are educators within the DET system; a trained teacher supervises our assistant dance teachers.

2. Duty of Care
Michelle Holden is the studio manager. Our teachers have been instructed to ensure that dancers are marked off the roll when they arrive to class. At the conclusion of class teachers ensure the appropriate carer or parent picks up the child. A child is never left alone in the dance space.  Late parents are contacted and the class teacher will supervise the child until parents arrive. Parents are expected to return the enrolment form each year so that accurate contact details are retained in case there needs to be communication to parent/ carers. 

3. First Aid/Medical
Key staff have first aid training.  First aid equipment is available from Dancetime storage cupboard and the YMCA office should the need arise. In addition, our enrolment documents indicate special needs and are stored securely.

4. Facilitating an Open Environment
Parents are invited to attend viewing day which is held at the end of Terms 1,2 & 3 to observe their child’s lessons (pending COVID-19 restrictions). Parents are welcome to check on their child at any stage of their class by request through the class teacher.  The teachers are actively entering and viewing lessons throughout class times. Private lessons are not offered at Dancetime.  

5. Performance Protection for Children
Performance experiences are well planned, documented in detail for parents and offered in professional theatre environments only.  Careful consideration is made when selecting music, choreography and costuming to portray all children respectfully and are always age appropriate. Dancers who perform at the Royal Easter Show have a consent form and permission notes for this event. 

6. Feedback/Complaints Handling
We welcome feedback from students, parents and staff, which can be done via phone, email or in person. All feedback or complaints are taken seriously and attended to by the class teacher and Michelle Holden; responses will be attempted within in writing and/or verbally within 48 hours.

Note: This policy has been developed by Dancetime School of Dance and based on information sourced from:
Australian Dance Council (Ausdance), Australian Dance Education Standards Association (ADESA)

Office of the Children’s Guardian – Principles for Child Safe Organisations